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Three more Spanish cardinals, two of them electors

Verfasst: Donnerstag 7. Dezember 2023, 06:47
von sufiya963
First of all I want to congratulate the Archbishop of Barcelona, ​​Monsignor Lluis Martínez Sistach, the Archbishop of Valencia, Monsignor Agustín García-Gasco and Father Urbano Navarrete, SJ, for having been chosen to be created cardinals of our Church by His Holiness the Pope Benedict XVI. The first two will also be cardinal electors, although we hope that they will not have to serve as such for many yearsWhen analyzing the implications of these appointments, one can fall into easy simplifications. For example, about Monsignor Sistach there are those who say that he receives the hat for being archbishop of a see that will hardly stop receiving the hat from now on. Much has been said about Rome's possible rejection of some of the candidates.

Monsignor García-Gasco is assured that he receives the hat as a reward for the success of the V World Meeting of Families, which was held in Valencia in July of last year. Maybe so, maybe not. He doesn't care. The truth is that the Pope shows trust in both Country Email List And both will continue to be cardinals when they have left the government of their respective dioceses, something that will not take long in the case of Don Agustín and who knows if it will also happen soon with Don Lluis in case the Pope decides to elect him to preside over some Roman dicastery.However, there is no doubt that the impact of the appointments is different for Valencia and Barcelona.Don Agustín is waiting for his resignation.


Therefore, Valencia will soon have a cardinal who in turn will be archbishop emeritus and the government of the archdiocese will pass into the hands of an uncapped successor. In Barcelona, ​​unless what I indicated in the previous paragraph happens, they will have a cardinal archbishop until Monsignor Martínez Sistach retires. And although the cardinalate is not another degree in the sacrament of orders, it undoubtedly adds prestige to the person who holds it. That is to say, in Roman paladin, Don Lluis is going to "command" more than he already commanded, especially in the Catalan Church. This will have immediate repercussions, since the logical thing is that the auxiliary or auxiliaries who will replace Monsignor Carrera will almost certainly be those chosen by the new cardinal.